Education for You Janelle is dedicated to working with you to develop, meet, and even exceed goals in all areas of your life. She will work creatively to help you discover your communication and learning styles, your motor and sensory abilities and differences, and your talents and passions. Janelle approaches academic tutoring, social facilitation, and life coaching through a neurodiversity affirming lens, celebrating your individuality and working with you to find the most successful path forward in all areas.
Education for Your Team, Your Family, and Your Friends In her years of experience in home, community, educational, recreational, and vocational settings, Janelle has found that one of the most effective ways to improve the lives of her students is to help them build, inform, and maintain a team of friends, family, service providers and community members who know, respect, and understand who they are, what works and doesn't work for them, what their goals are, and how best to communicate and interact with them. Sometimes this means that she provides advocacy at IEP meetings, professional development to school teams, models curriculum development and creates and maintains support systems and various opportunities at the school site. Other times, it means meeting with parents/guardians, siblings, extended family, etc. to help them learn more about the person, their needs and strengths, and to help them build a strong foundation for their relationships and daily interactions. She has also found that sharing information with peers, coworkers, and community members can create a more inclusive, understanding, patient, and successful environment for the people to live, learn, love, and labor. With any service that Janelle is providing to you, she will also consider how she can best support your surrounding community.